We can help you.
We deliver entertaining, educational, and empowering keynotes, engaging and interactive workshops, strategic and data-grounded consulting, and illuminating and impactful leadership coaching to help you and your organization realize your goals. We are not here just to inspire change; we are here to effectuate change: We help you transform your intention into activation so you can see and celebrate the results!
Owning Your Value
Through this multi-faceted program, we empower participants to recognize and address Imposter Syndrome, internalized bias, and self-doubt to help organizations elicit peak performance from and provide a genuine experience of belonging to their employees and students. Components of this program include educational and inspirational keynotes (e.g., "Owning Your Value: From Faking to Breaking the Mold" and "Owning Your Value: It's a Matter of Confidence, not Competence"), one-on-one coaching, and organizational consulting. Our programs also include interactive workshops geared towards individual empowerment to reduce one’s own self-doubt (e.g., "Owning Your Value: Cultivating Evidence-Based Confidence and Busting Internalized Bias") and geared towards leaders and mentors to help them identify and address Imposter Syndrome in their teams and mentees and cultivate an organizational culture that reduces instead of feeds Imposter Syndrome (e,g., "Imposter Syndrome: An Inclusive Leader's Guide to Cultivating Confidence"). We also offer our high-impact and top-rated online course to empower participants with 10 tactics to build their evidence-based confidence. All of our Owning Your Value programs nurture and activate well-being, inclusion, and leadership development.
Busting Bias and Building Belonging
Through this program, we develop and administer a belonging and engagement assessment to harvest the unique opportunities for growth for each client, and we analyze the data in conjunction with social science research to develop a tailored strategy for the client to build belonging and reduce bias. We then assist the client in implementing this strategy through workshops, keynotes, coaching, and policy/practices review. In the implementation stage, we help the client explore the negative impact bias has on an organization's mission and inclusion, viewing bias-busting as both science (the neuroscience of bias) and art (nuanced ways to disrupt bias in action and build empathy and understanding). Through this program, participants explore the benefits of a mutual sense of belonging between individuals and their organizations and learn how to identify and address the systemic and individual obstacles to true inclusion, e.g., implicit bias, internalized bias, covering, etc. We address the unique aspects of building belonging in a time of physical disconnection and global crisis. (Based on client needs, we can provide portions of this comprehensive program, such as our popular talks on "Busting Implicit Bias" and "Belonging: An Inclusive Approach to Inclusion," as well as our new program, "Inclusive Interviewing: 10 Tips to Build Belonging from the Beginning.")
Team Trust
Trust serves as the foundation of highly effective teams. This program helps teams assess their functionality, examine the components of trust, and apply team members’ individual strengths to support themselves and each other and to improve team efficacy. This program includes workshops such as "Foundations of Team-Effectiveness: It's a Question of Trust."
Wellness, Resilience, and Self-Care
These programs explore the need for self-care and resilience and how to address the societal obstacles to wellness that can impact job performance and engagement. In the self-care programs, participants explore and practice specific and actionable tactics to better care for themselves and develop a self-care action plan. The resilience programs help organizations recognize the value of resilience, develop it in their culture and teams, and recruit and hire for it.
Leadership Summit Series
In this small group series of meetings, we utilize group coaching, facilitation, and workshop-style activities to develop participants’ leadership and engagement skills while facilitating constructive connection through discussion of relevant pieces of media.
Effective People Management
In this program, we employ individual and team Hogan Assessment and analysis to leverage leadership strengths and address derailers. By learning about themselves, their team members, and substantive topics (feedback, transparency, the role and risks of vulnerability, communication), participants grow their leadership impact and ability to adapt to the challenges of managing teams that are increasingly remote/hybrid.
Executive and Manager Coaching
Through individual coaching, we help people managers and organizational leaders develop their leadership skills and unique leadership styles to help empower their teams and organizations to bring their best selves to their work. This can include coaching on recognizing and addressing signs and symptoms of Imposter Syndrome in their team members, meeting their team members where they are at, building trust in teams, exploring roles as mentors and sponsors, and embedding practices to increase employee engagement.
Tending to Our Suffering, Owning Our Joy: Un-Erasing Womxn of Asian Descent
For too long, the unique challenges of womxn lawyers of Asian descent have been hidden, ignored, and muted, in much of the same ways the womxn themselves have been. These womxn are expected to navigate a professional landscape that penalizes them for advocating for themselves and rewards them for staying small while performing big.
IIn this interactive program centering Asian-American womxn (a sub-population too often rendered invisible in professional development priorities), Jeena JeeHyun Cho and BelongLab CEO Neha Sampat will share practical tips and personal insights to help participants uncover bias and toxic messaging that may have become internalized and help them nurture self-compassion and establish healthy boundaries. Click here for more information on this program.